Everybody wants to have a very good command in English. But a very few people know the trick, applying abbreviation for words. Now you might have the question how? For your convenience, we made a special, unique and proven app. This may be called an abbreviation dictionary. We have a vast collection of words. There is no similar program has so easy and user-friendly operating, contains a lot of abbreviations, that we have in this simple program. It’s not easy to get abbreviation for words easily. It’s an offline application provides you search facility manually for your suitable words. You can also find the common abbreviations too. We have different categories of common abbreviations for your convenient use. Sometimes, it happens, you prefer to use short words while writing of a thesis or an article seems to be the sum of few selections about syntax, grammar, and formatting.
Initially, here is a quick definition for abbreviation. Generally, a shortened form of any name or word or terms (i.e., Sr. for senior) is an abbreviation. An acronym is also in this group too, but it is a collection of the initial letters of the terms or words (i.e. the USA for the United States of America). It is said that all the acronyms are abbreviations, but all the abbreviations are not acronyms. You may get help for common abbreviations only in this abbreviation dictionary.
Now you have the question when to abbreviate, right? Don’t forget to use this technique for units of measurements that are accompanied by numeric values (excluding: day, week, month, and year). You should use this special technique to make your writing more clear and attractive. But don’t use only to save space, because the abbreviations for words you use to help the reader to comprehend your point smoothly.
So, I like to request you to use my abbreviation dictionary once. This app will help you to develop your writing effectively. There is no app that has a vast collection of common abbreviations, can support you like this abbreviation dictionary.